Thai Junta to crush any media not following orders

Thai Junta to crush any media not following orders

Little bit worried or as we say in Thailand Nit Noi.  The just closed down (why in earth name did they hosted it in Thailand). The Ministry of Communication shut it down by order  from the new military junta. The group behind  the website is going to have a peaceful rally tonight because they think that’s their right in a democracy. The junta or with the new name they took today, Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy CDRM. The CDRM also closed down 500 upcountry private local radio stations and they have forbidden all SMS and Call in to every TV or Radio show.
That means no one can call and report about traffic or call in for a competition or anything. The junta also expresses quote “to crush close down and stop” any media now are following their directions. There was no word about written press.

Meanwhile the former PM was having a “holiday” in London and shopping with his daughters. His ex ministers was rounded up and sent to special location for holding. Close police aids to the former PM was reshuffled and some military groups was disarmed.

For me it sounds very scary even if the military promises to hand over power they have not more then 10 days from now to do it. Lets hope they will.

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