Save money on oversea calls you not made in Thailand
For 2 month now I got a bill from CAT the government telephone company in Thailand and the once with the 007 number that you see on all the billboard. Both times I have a number to UK or Ireland. I never call anyone in Ireland and I hardly call outside Thailand at all.
Now if I call and tell them this the cost for calling the going to cost more then the call because it only lasted one minute, because finding a person that understand what I am talking about going to take maybe 20 min.
I did get hold of a person last time and he demanded that every phone call that I thought was wrong should be send be recommended letter to him and with a letter telling him what was wrong. That was 2004 and I wasted 200 THB and I still have not got any money back.
On the other side True the private company they just told to not pay that numbers and they just took it away from the bill in 2 min, they were very helpful.
So my free advice to all of you that have CAT and have a 1 min error on your bill just give it to them it will actually save you money.