The same day that my internet provider in Thailand did not pay his Proxy bill the power went off for me. I fell asleep and when I woke up the internet was gone, it probably reset the modem. I have told you before about my horror stories abut True Internet and I was thinking I had to relive them once more.
It all started as normal one guy answer says he can speak English ask me to wait and then hangs up, very normal.
Second try an True answer machine (see my old story) tell me in Thai that call back tomorrow before 17.00.
Third try and I now press the keys in random and a girl answers and she is so helpful. The only thing that makes me mad is that she says that I did not bought the modem from True they tell me that every time but I did and I tell them that every time to.
Now my internet is working but it goes up and down all the time it sucks and it’s slow. I am going for a holiday for a few days so I do not care and hopefully it is not only me it’s the internet in Thailand.